Here I am, with my tools of the trade (note the archer's stance...)
You'll see my most favoritest packing tools in the picture:
1. McDonald's Fry Boxes: Fry boxes rock. No one who has ever moved with fry boxes will deny this fact. They are small and crazy strong...perfect for books and other heavy stuff. We found a McDonald's with a cardboard dumpster that was outside of the restaurant and I basically chuck a kid in there and they fish them out from all the other inferior boxes. My husband and I have a pet peeve: boxes of various sizes. I mean, some variation is required, but we didn't want to monkey around with 23 different sizes of makes for tricky stacking. Also, we have fry boxes left over from previous moves that are still holding stuff and they're as stiff and strong as the day we got them. Like I said, fry boxes rock.
2. Sharpie Marker: A thicky for scribbling out other people's writing on the boxes and a fine point for my own labeling. Watch out for the could make you's really smelly. You might pack the cat or something if you use the thicky for too long so hold your breath when you're using it. Oh, the thicky doesn't call itself "thicky" it calls itself "Magnum" because it's trying to be all manly.
3. Tape Gun: Super easy for all the miles of taping I have to do. Love it.
4. Gardening Apron: This little thing is really handy. It's got 3 pockets, one holds my box cutter, one holds my masking tape and scissors, and the last one holds my sharpies. This way I never misplace my tools....ya know, I should use this at Christmas. Along this line of thinking I ought to get a holster for my tape gun! Yeah!
Well, anyhow, you won't be hearing much from me for a bit yet as we treck across this great country of ours and get settled among the foothills of the Appalacian Mountains. Once settled, I'll return to get real with y'all about the ups and downs of life on this side of heaven.